Bug Ugly

WAF aside. Sound quality aside. What is the ugliest, most pathetic looking component you've ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on. What was so hideous it would make Bluto Blutarsky from "Animal House" hurl?

No fair picking on the mid fi crap from Circuit City, et al.
Take a look at http://www.exoticaudio.org for some examples of really ugly gear - but also some really cool gear.
Wow I thought this thread was going to be about me. Imagine my disappointment! Swampwalker is right. Those plywood looking B&W speakers are hideous. The first time I saw them I was in the basement alone listening and I couldn't stop screaming.
What marketing genius came up with the idea to push plywood on the general public or was it a joke higher up to see if anyone was paying attention?
I say Nrchy is butt ugly. In particular when he stands next to Monitor Audio Studio 60's speakers.

He looks like Bella Lugosi going from re-hab into his Dracula casket.

Wearing those Blue Circle pumps and purse, in bright pink.
And the red lipstick and blond tresses don't help any, either. Unshaven legs, hairless tail...

Ah... what that out loud?