What's better than the Jolida JD100

I heard the Jolida JD100 completely stock and like many others, was very impressed. Associated gear was Classe amp/pre and Magnepan 1.5's.
So the question is....what's as good or better than the Jolida for about a grand or even 1200-1300 bucks? Not looking for USED gear, folks!


No doubt you'll get many recomendations. You'll need to define "better" for us as in what you're looking for. I moved from the Jolida to a Consonance CD120 Linear and my definition of better is: detail, smoother defined top end, a transport that is dead quiet and a general overall cleaner sound. I don't see too much on this CDP but it has been the best digital I have owned including a RA Opus 21 CDP. Can be had under $900 new with a 2 year warrantee.
Iabsolutely agree with Mijknarf. The Consonance has more detail and pace. Phil Brady.