What's better than the Jolida JD100

I heard the Jolida JD100 completely stock and like many others, was very impressed. Associated gear was Classe amp/pre and Magnepan 1.5's.
So the question is....what's as good or better than the Jolida for about a grand or even 1200-1300 bucks? Not looking for USED gear, folks!


Based on his comment on the Jolida and also on subwoofer coherence with Magnepan 1.6/QR I agree that MrTennis does indeed have issues with his system and most probably his listing room.
I've been experimenting with SVS and Martin Logan Abyss subwoofers with the Maggies and have come to the rather obvious conclusion that room tuning is 90% of the formula. That said I've come to some reasonable results with the SVS and even better ones with the Abyss. Since nothing is broken in yet, I have not posted results.
Regarding the mids and highs of various players, the room plays a dramatic part. I've read enough of MrTennis posts to see that his experiences with some gear runs counter to others on the whole. That usually suggests a poor listening room, one with few or no treatments and several windows.

Here are a few picks of my (still under construction theater and listening room. Room is 25X15 aprox. Front wall is curtains and there are foam panels behind the screen. I've yet to experience any reflection issues, though I'm trying rear treatments as well.


Very nice pictures, Robbob! I am curious if your Stratos cooks your Rogue?>>>

Are you talking heat? The Stratos runs very cool. It's been playing at high levels for days and is barely warm. I'm very impressed with it thus far, though it's very far from breaking in.


i acknowledge the affect of the room, however, there are two other factors.

while i had the jolida, i also owned and do own an audionote cd2. the latter player makes the jolida sound like solid state. the latter player is tube sensitive.
since i hear differences in cd players in my rooom, which is overdamped , by some standards and has windows, this brings me tow issue number two, perception.

i find that i am much less tolerant than other to extension in the treble. my listening preferences and hearing ado disagree with many audiophiles on this forum.
i am more tolerant of what would be considered "dull" sound. thus , what some would consider warm, like the jolida, i would not.

i have had many interesting audio experiences at ces where in the same room, i have disagreed with the tonal character of what i have heard with others in the room and have preferred a sound that mnay others do not like.

so, to sum up, since my sonic preferences are at variance with a majority of audiophiles, i would characterize the joilda as not warm. my idea of warm me be more subtractive than what others consider warm.

i think i have now explained my position and in the future, as i comment about the sound of other components, one will realize that my prefernce for a very euphonic sound and perception is somewhat idiosyncratic.
Mr Tennis would you classify a ARC LS-7 preamp as euphonic? Just trying to understand your taste better? Have you owned any Audio Refinement CD players?

I would as I had one on loan. I could not stand it because it was too tubey for me. I have a VK5i and love it.