Is there a decent used transport for under $300?

Hi everyone,

I have a way cheap but decent budget rig: a Trends T-Amp driving tekton design single driver speakers (Fostex 167e, $325)and a Tube Audio Design subwoofer ($125 shipped, really not as bad as you would expect). Until today, the signal came from the venerable Rotel RCD 855 player (considered a good budget player in its day) with the digital out feeding a cheap "Super p" DAC, which sounded significantly better than using the 855's DAC.

All together I was getting a robust, authoritative, and stable full range sound, but today the 855 finally gave up the ghost after a protracted demise.

I have been wanting to get a transport only unit anyway, but for this setup need to keep the cost below $300 used. Is this possible? If so, would such a transport be better than a similarly priced player? For example, is the Rotel RDD 980 transport currently listed on A'gon for $195 an improvement on the digital output of the 855? I'd also love to know about any other thoughts/possibilities.

Thanks very much in advance of any responses. It's no good here (hear) without the music.
I'd go with a SONY 7000 or a Pioneer/Elite w/stable platter. Should be available for around 2-300.
thanks for the responses...these are players not transports so are you saying these players should sound/perform better than my cheap dac cheap transport combo idea? I wouldn't be surprised, though I did read that the Sony 9000es and sony players in general had reliability problems, which is the last thing I want to return to.

anyway thanks again, any and all additional comments are most welcome.
California Audio Labs transports average 225-250 with Balanced, Unbalanced and Optic O/P