Is there a decent used transport for under $300?

Hi everyone,

I have a way cheap but decent budget rig: a Trends T-Amp driving tekton design single driver speakers (Fostex 167e, $325)and a Tube Audio Design subwoofer ($125 shipped, really not as bad as you would expect). Until today, the signal came from the venerable Rotel RCD 855 player (considered a good budget player in its day) with the digital out feeding a cheap "Super p" DAC, which sounded significantly better than using the 855's DAC.

All together I was getting a robust, authoritative, and stable full range sound, but today the 855 finally gave up the ghost after a protracted demise.

I have been wanting to get a transport only unit anyway, but for this setup need to keep the cost below $300 used. Is this possible? If so, would such a transport be better than a similarly priced player? For example, is the Rotel RDD 980 transport currently listed on A'gon for $195 an improvement on the digital output of the 855? I'd also love to know about any other thoughts/possibilities.

Thanks very much in advance of any responses. It's no good here (hear) without the music.
these are more interesting suggestions...a question, does anyone think these stand alone players mentioned thus far are better than a CAL Delta dedicated transport?

thanks again everybody
I would hesitate to use the oppo as a transport. I have had a modded one for a few years and its err, a little less then robust on the drawer, motor noise etc.

With that said, i did use it for years, and i think the picture quality is stunning. I did not do any comparison with other transports.

I posted a similar inquiry on another forum, and most of the responses seemed to lean towards a used pioneer elite unit. Not sure if they are closee to 300 or not but worth a check.
thanks much kbuzz and everyone else, i think for now i'll shoot for a not too old CAL transport, i never heard anything to contradict that, at least not under the scenario i sketched out under the thread question, also the other recommendations were somewhat scattered and less consistent, and the idea at least makes some sense superficially and intuitively...thanks again.