Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC

this notion likely gets beaten to death, BUT

I'm thinking about a DAC for use with some mid fi components, and my PC so as to incorporate some greater ease and variety.

Because my system is all holow state, I am also figuring it needs to be SS. Yes? No?

A good sounding overachiever that won't break the bank will likely do fine. something in the $300 - $600 range. Give or take a bit... no pun intended.

Any experience or thoughts or any slam dunk DAC ideas would be appreciated tremendously.


Paradisea DAC. Available on E-Bay. Sold direct from a gentleman in Hong Kong. Chances are excellent you will be very happy. Around $600 delivered.
Look here,there have been a few in the last couple days so low priced, who can complain ? Like a couple krells, CJ's, AR's and so on all in your price range. At the prices they were sellin for you gotta be quick on the draw, I see they are almost all sold in like the same day they were posted.