Music Servers VS Excellent Transports?

Well here you go people? A question for my upgrade.
Should I go with an Excellent transport or a good Music server with a digital out. Sophisticated transport VS NO MOVING PARTS?

Considering the Opus Music Server or any of similar calibre.
My ripping and transfer skills are good so its going to be Lossless files with pretty much no compression of data right into my favourite DAC. All are welcome for this topic.
Please do stay withing the realm of the question, appreciate it :) Merry Christmas and happy holidays
Dcstep - no, like CES, THE Show is really for dealers and press. However, if you email me, I can still get you a badge for THE Show under my company name. No problem.

Steve N.

Doing high res vinyl copies is very interesting. I have not heard any, but I can imagine that very good results are possible. I'm amazed at the sound I get on CD copies of vinyl using a meridian A/D converter.

Now I see what you are trying to do and it makes perfect sense.
Thanks for the offer Steve. I'll do some investigation and get back to you if I can make it work.

DaveM, if you can get your hands on a Korg MR1000 HD recorder it'll give you some idea of the amazing potential. Straight out of the box this consumer recorder will make stunning AD recordings from either line or mics at whatever digital standard you choose, up to 5.6MHz DSD. Ric Schultz is doing some mods to quieten the inputs and outputs and add some shielding to take it to another level. Not bad for a $1200 machine.
