Upgrade from Adcom 600?? Benchmark?

I love my GDA600, which I've had for about 12 years.
I'm thinking upgrade, especially to the 192/24 blah blah blah,
no USB required, strictly two channel, using a sony es changer.
Any affordable suggestions? Used OK.
try the gda-700. i used to own the 600 and the 700 is superior along with hdcd and balanced options. i actually like the gda-700 better than the benchmark. i also have/had more expensive dacs and they are better than the gda700 but you are also paying 2 to 3 times the cost. also, just because a dac/cd player claims 192/24 specs doesn't mean they sound better. when i evaluated dacs a couple of years ago, i ended up buying 2 nice 20bit dacs that i liked the best, both from manley and audio research.
Rbstehno: That's great input. I was thinking of
buying a 700, when I looked it up, one had just sold
for $125 here. from what i understand, it's a fantastic unit. Man, I kicked myself in the ass
for about a week on that one. what dacs did you have that
bettered the 700? if you don't mind my asking.....
I appreciate your comments.
I'll echo the previous thoughts on the GDA-700: I like it more than the Benchmark. They typically go for around $350, so yes, kicking yourself is entirely reasonable. Something to keep in mind is that a 16-bit recording on a 24-bit DAC is still a 16-bit recording.
I had a DA600 from new... I also bought an Adcom GDA700 here a few years ago! I also prefer the 700. (and I use a lot of Sony ES 5 disk changers!! ES89 ES9... for casual listening and for my pets all day when I am gone.)
Agree the cost/performance ratio stops, for me, at about the GDA700 level.