Upgrade DAC or Buy New

I own a Muse 296 DAC (first manufactured in 1998) which I've always enjoyed. I just changed my system where the DAC is driving the amps directly, but the output voltage of the Muse is only 1V, so am not getting enough output. I can upgrade the Muse to their model 192 (first manufactured in 2003), but it will cost $1,200 to do so.

So the question is should I spend the $1,200 to upgrade the unit to one that has been discontinued for a few years and is a five year old model, or look for something else? I would be willing to spend up to around $2,000 or so.
5 Y/O dac technology is ancient

Check out PS Audio new DAC (MSRP- $995). Cullen and Underwood modifies them if you want it to take it to another level
"5 Y/O dac technology is ancient"

Yeah, but I know of some manufacturers that are still using the 'ancient' Burr Brown 1704 DAC in their new equipment. It is used in the Muse (4 of them in dual differential balanced mode). Steve Nugent at Empirical Audio uses them in his $6K Spoiler DAC.
I have the Accustic Arts Tube DAC and absolutely was stunned when I first heard it. You can get their now discontinued Mk. 3 version for around $2-2.5K. I am pretty sure that will be a big improvement over the 2003 DAC.
There is nothing wrong with an older dac. Zanden uses a dac chip from the late 80's early 90's in their $10k+ signature dac. Tubes are not new technology. If you like what you have and feel you need more drive to your amp than maybe a good used preamp might help. It would be a shame to upgrade your dac and then miss the magic you are now enjoying. I went down that road years ago and it took me years to get back to where I was.