Need Recommendation on Best CD player under $1,000

I have Wadia tastes, but not the budget. My electronics; Rowland preamp, Edge power, Thiel 2.3 speakers (w/Vandersteen sub.) Tastes range from Hildegard Von Bingen to Korn and everything in between. I've gone the used "out-of-business" route with a Kinergetics KCD-20, but when the transport died and no parts were available, I had an expensive boat anchor. Recommendations?
A $1000 CD player does not do the rest of your system justice. Remember that the quality of your system's sound begins at the source.
Pick up a Sony CE 595 ($150) and have it modified for $750 by Paul/Brian Weitzel at Tube Research Labs (TRL). Takes the player to another level. Lots of information here on A-gon and elsewhere.
While I basically agree with Tvad, remember that today's $1,000 CD player, technologically was a $3000 to $5000 player 10 years ago. Your other gear was about the same 10 years ago.

If they took the guts out of any of these players, put it in a fancier case and put Mark Levinson on the front, a lot of people would gladly pay 3 to 5 times as much and not know the difference. We all (me included) focus too much on the price.
I believe a used, modified player in the $1000-$1500 price range, from one of several respected modifiers will be more satisfying than an equally priced stock unit. Primarily, this is due to optimization of the player's performance through re-design of the power supply and output stage, and due to the use of higher quality parts.

Another option would be a used Sony DVP-S7700 DVD player used as a transport (about $150) and a new Paradisea+ DAC (about $650 including shipping).
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