Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?

I have read that coloring the edges of cd's with a black or green magic marker helps the sonics.
What is your opinion of this?
If it is true, how does it work?
I never tried it, but, there have been several manufacturers who have designed their products for the same result (absorbing stray light from being reflected back onto the surface being read). I believe Esoteric coats the inside of its transport for that purpose, and Naim also relies on surface treatment to absorb light and a light-tight lid on its top model, again for the same purpose.
I ended up taking off green marker on cd's,made a little difference i thought.Not enough to get your fingers all green though.My vote is dont bother unless its the treatment pen and conditioner?cant remember what it is called.inho
I can see an improvement on DVDs, but it makes upper frequencies on CD's harsher/brighter and more digital.