Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?

I have read that coloring the edges of cd's with a black or green magic marker helps the sonics.
What is your opinion of this?
If it is true, how does it work?
A simple easy to hear improvement in every CD follows the one-time insertion of "Codename Turquoise CD tray masking kit" into the CD tray.
Available from
This is similar in concept to what is built-in to CD players by Esoteric and Naim
as mentioned in the very first post above by Larryi.
will spray painting 'wild thing' on the doors of a car make it go faster and inc]rease the value?
I once heard a demonstration of a cd player with red leds inside the drawer. When they were turned on, it stopped playing. Red light other than the laser's within the drawer can harm the sound. I tried green and black edge treatments which at the time seemed modestly effective. I have discovered, however, that recent cd cleaners, such as Audio Top and Walker Ultra Vivid, negate any benefit from the edge treatment. I guess this might because the red light from the laser is less diffracted.

Also as I now have a music server, ripping to a harddrive seems unaffected by diffraction. In short, I no longer use edge treatment although at one time I thought it had a small benefit.
Try purple (violet) on the edge next time. Then try to explain why it works....
this issue has just been beat to's not one to be settled with argumentation and/or have to do your own empirical test ....listen and then let your ears decide. If you want some honest although anecdotal data just go to Tweak Audio. And by the way some CD treatments actually do improve the sound of a standard CD when compared to a similar untreated CD. Also (no relation to the dealer) try MaxxHORN CD Treatment. It's the best I have heard and it seems to have an additive effect if you use it with Mapleshade CD treatment regimen. All in all the treatment of CD's is best done with a glass of wine, beer or's a pain in the but...however sometimes it really works. By the way have fun painting and treating those little silver CDs because anyway you sketch it your significant other is bound to think your nuts!

Have fun!
