Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?

I have read that coloring the edges of cd's with a black or green magic marker helps the sonics.
What is your opinion of this?
If it is true, how does it work?
Actually, it does, or very nearly. The rotating arm/blade cuts a perfect circle, so the circle formed on the upper surface of the disc by the bevel is perfectly round. Enough mass is removed from the edge during circumcision that the disc should be much more balanced while spinning. You can ignore the little 0.2 mm nub left on the edge.
( Everything in the electromagnetic spectrum has a specific wavelength/frequency, and in most examples, can/will be either absorbed or reinforced by some other wavelength/frequency(if present). Red light is no exception, and it just happens that the wavelengths of green and black absorb red's. It comes back down to: If you can hear and appreciate the difference(given a system able to resolve it)- enjoy it! If not- DON'T!! Perhaps the wearing of green pantyhose would reflect something entirely different.......
Rodman, I merely started my posting by saying that I no longer hear a benefit from the use of the AudioDesk, so I agree with you.

I found a few extra Cirkulus cd disc enhancers in my stash. I'll send you one to try. I painted the top surface of one of mine with AVM. If I were to paint the inside with AVM it would increase the thickness and may not load properly with my up graded PS Audio transport. The disc wouldn't be a problem with top loads such as your Shanling. The Cirkulus sits over the entire top surface of the disc including the edges. Like a perfectly flat bottle cap. There should be no edge reflection.