Music Hall 25.2 or Jolida 102b?

So I was all set to purchase a new system -- Music Hall 25.2 amp and CDP and Monitor Audio RS 6s. I talk to my local audio dealer who starting praising to the rafters the Jolida 102b.

I need your help. My goal for this system is something that will last for a long-time (My wife has threatened me with heavy objects if I don't stop obsessing over all this once I make an actual purchase!)

So what do you all think? I don't think I can listen to the Music Hall locally, but from what I read it is a solid combo that will do what I want well (soundstage really good, and deliver on acoustic music).

So what do you all think?

Primaluna PL2 or PL1 used for around $900. I have the MHall CD25.2 great palyer for the price.

Do you want to go with tubes or not for your amplifier? The Prima Luna PL2 & Music Hall 25.2 CD player make for a ridiculously good system. So will the Music Hall combo. You would not go wrong with either. It's just that tubes sound different and I would argue sound better. My hunch is that your wife would prefer the Music Hall combo because it has a nice matched look to it, as well.

Regards, Rich
Thanks Grinnell and Rich,

I actually was not thinking of tubes at all until today. I had fully planned on the paired Music Halls (or possibly the Onkyo DX7555/A-9555 pair), but was intrigued from my conversation with a dealer today.

My only concern with the tubes was that it might not be the easiest for an entry-level system. And, I've that given the amount of money I was putting into my system, I wouldn't be able to get the most out of a tube amp.

For what its worth - the music we listen to is mostly jazz, acoustic world music, 60's soul (figured the tubes would be best for this), and some classical.

any other thoughts?