Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.
Other than the convenience and ease of use, excellent sound quality when played through a quality DAC, reasonable cost and avoidance of computers, which crash, become infected with viruses, worms, bots, etc., no, there is no advantage over a computer.

Does the Wadia/Ipod combination sound as good as the super transports, like the Wadia 7, Mark Levinson No 31.5, MBL 1621, Burmester, CEC, Metronome Calista? The answer is probably: Yes!
PS: I own a MBL 1621 transport (so I'm not talking bullshit here).

Hi Robr, I'm about to sell my MBL 1621. Am I deaf? Please tell me the right diagnosis.
PS: I think Mike Lavigne and others are laughing their pants off because of my silly posts.

As silly as it may makes perfect sense.

Would you be willing to take it even farther??????????

If the answer is yes, follow this link to get the most out of your iTransporeter. I believe Audio Tone will have this version up for review.

Wadia iTransporter - extreme mods