Hales transcendence 8 tweeters

I just bought a pair of Hales transcendence 8 but missing both tweeters,I am aware that the original tweeters are not available and i need a recommendation want to replaced them with? Maybe someone can give me advice.Thanks
I wonder what other speakers uses the same tweeter like the one in T8? any ideas.
I don't know how many hours you have on them, but the new tweeters will need to break in. I would suggest 100-150 hours minimum before you judge them.
I believe that the original D26 series tweeter was 4 ohm... Try to verify that... If it is, put a 2 ohm resistor in series (positive lead) with the tweeter. This will do 2 things: help to bring the crossover frequency back to its original design and it will pad the tweeter a hair to help take care of the brightness that you speak of... again, I am going by memory of that tweeter being 4 ohm, check it out, if it is this inexpensive part will help,
Sorry, don't know what I was thinking, the resistor would be putting a 6 ohm in place of an 8 ohm, not a 6 ohm in place of a 4 ohm, please disregard my last post, I'll research and see what I can find about the original D26 tweeter. Tim