Just purchased a Rega Apollo new about two weeks ago. I find that it has quite a different sound then my NAD C521BEE. Much more refind I would call it.
I would like to hear comments from other owners on how they like theirs and also Why are so many up for sale the "Sell" section. Is there a break in period for the player or just for my ears

Thanks Pogo
Greetings Paogorman
The Rega Apollo is a fine sophisticated CD player and a great value.
The unit is very popular add in the positive reviews at its semi affordable target price and this creates curiosity and interest for some who just must have one even when they didn't need one.
Happy Listening
I had one and never heard a better CDP. No glitches. You have to wait until one function finishes before going on to the next one. IMO most of the complaints are due to that. I sold mine after I went to a computer-based setup but the Apollo was one component I never had a complaint about. Like a lot of popular brands, there's a lot for sale because they sell a lot of them. It and its predecessor been category killers since the late 90s.
I have a new ( 2 weeks old ) Apollo and maybe the reason some don't talk about them is because they are not so called the new kid on the block now. Also, companies DO make changes in hardware and software on an existing product. Meaning the consumer never knows the year old unit has been upgraded. I , like you, think the Apollo is very good at it's price point. ( which by the way has gone up 200.00 ) I have the new Legacy Classics HD speakers that are VERY revealing. Which means that making changes in players and other things ARE heard! The main thing is. Do YOU like it? But I can explain why I like it. Channel separation is one. Smooth soundstage... not in your face or forward. Vocals, vocals,vocals....... male and female. One thing I don't think will change. It sounds great. Are there better players? No doubt. But at what cost and is it worth it to you? A LOT of players have been sold. So seeing ones for sale is a good sign......NOT bad! People will upgrade as long as there are "options" and exceptions to making their "system" sound better. One thing is a given. The Apollo does give you baseline to compare other players. So in the future when you buy or demo a new unit...... you know what sound you liked.
Just a quick note....these things make GREAT transports!
All of the REGA cd players. I don't know if I would splurge
on a Saturn just as a transport.........but the Apollo
and all of their older cd players are the best transport with a DAC I have used.
The feedback is appreciated very much. Any comments on the break in part of my question?