DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??


I'm curious if anyone has listened to these players.

From other threads I've seen that DCS doesn't have a big following in the US probably partly because of the price. Can anyone describe the sound? I saw somewhere that people found it to be better than the Emm Labs equipment and that DCS has become more musical than the older DCS equipment.

The other player I'm very curious about is the new Soulution 740 player. A relatively new high-end brand from Switzerland. Apparently the player had its introduction at the CES 2008. Has anyone listened to it and does it is so much better than the other player considering its price?

Thanks for your feedback.
Teddy bear! Bingo! by saying cold and analytical you just explained old DCS full stack!
New one is not much better, heard Scarlatti on the DartZeel and ProAc D100; and on full Spectral/SDR 4000, DMC 30SS, DMA 250)/MIT/Magico Mini II system. SDR 4000 was so much musical and involving then Scarlatti.
Interesting.. Comparing two units in two totally different set-ups? Might be other variants at play? ..Speakers?
Bvdiman, read carefully, I have said that I listened Scarlatti play in two different systems