DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??


I'm curious if anyone has listened to these players.

From other threads I've seen that DCS doesn't have a big following in the US probably partly because of the price. Can anyone describe the sound? I saw somewhere that people found it to be better than the Emm Labs equipment and that DCS has become more musical than the older DCS equipment.

The other player I'm very curious about is the new Soulution 740 player. A relatively new high-end brand from Switzerland. Apparently the player had its introduction at the CES 2008. Has anyone listened to it and does it is so much better than the other player considering its price?

Thanks for your feedback.
In my opinion the dCS Pucini, Soulution and the latest Accuphase dp700are the best single box players. I have a friend in Germany heard the Spectral vs Puccini and ordered Puccini withSpectral dma250 and ss30.
I bought Puccini after having Emmlabs cdsa se.
I use Stealth Dream power cord excellent match, also good much the lessloss for bigger value.
With Puccini is crucial to use right interconnects.
For instance the Stealth Nanofiber is excelent match for solid state electronics and better than the Indra, but Indra is way better with tube electronics. In mixed systems (tube preamp and ss amp) Metacarbon or Indra are better.
So everything is about matching and that is this hobby is all about.
Of course reliable equipment and especially in digital players, audiophiles with expererience could agree with me, especially with similar upgrade path.

So please let's not be so dogmatic about brands.
Good performance systems is what we aim for.
Kops, in what areas did you feel the Puccini improved (I'm supposing it does...) over our Emm?
welldone kops, finaly someone made very accurate statement over stealth cables. I have tried twice to find reasons to buy Stealth Indra but in the end I had to put Valhalla action again. In reality Metacarbon and nanofiber are the best outcome of Stealth Cables. Poor Sergei:)
"So please let's not be so dogmatic about brands.
Good performance systems is what we aim for.."

Well put Kops....
I took my MPS-5 to a world-wide renowned dealer/sound engineer, been in the music/equipment biz 30+ years, someone who knows everyone on this planet in the biz. My friend was comparing the Meridian 808i with the Puccini and clock. The Meridian won convincingly, more natural, more real, more balanced, no edginess that the Puccini displayed along with overemphasis on HF detail. So my friend took the Meridian home. We compared both with the Playback Designs MPS-5, and to everyones surprise it beat both the Meridian and the Puccini clearly. The MPS-5 seemed to take the best of Meridian and DCS and then took it a big step further. One comment was, this makes my analog rig obsolete! Here, nobody had heard about the Playback, who makes it, how much does it cost, where can I get one etc etc.

Didn't get a chance to compare to Paganini or Scarlatti, but then your talking 3-5X the price. Thank you Andreas/Jonathan for bringing such a fantastic product on the market, clearly among the very best that exists today, but price wise extremely competitive!