DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??


I'm curious if anyone has listened to these players.

From other threads I've seen that DCS doesn't have a big following in the US probably partly because of the price. Can anyone describe the sound? I saw somewhere that people found it to be better than the Emm Labs equipment and that DCS has become more musical than the older DCS equipment.

The other player I'm very curious about is the new Soulution 740 player. A relatively new high-end brand from Switzerland. Apparently the player had its introduction at the CES 2008. Has anyone listened to it and does it is so much better than the other player considering its price?

Thanks for your feedback.
Where do you get your 24/192 downloads? And what software do you use to play them? I'd like to try that too. I have a Mac computer, but iTunes doesn't seem to support anything more than 16 bit 48KHz files (some people swear it supports 24/96, but Apple couldn't confirm this, and the software itself indicates otherwise).
There are several websites out there:


just to name few, high-rez downloadable content is rapidly growing. I tried using Mac too, didn't work. You're better off with a asio4all driver on an XP based computer for now.

Good luck!
high-rez downloadable content is rapidly growing

Let's not get crazy; it's improving, but at a glacial pace. There is still a paucity of popular music in high res and it is often unclear if the tracks are simply upsampled or properly remastered into the higher resolution.
Speaking of one box cd player, you should really hear AcousticPlan's Vadi CD player. Its amazing and can go up against anything. It may be unknown but its good.
If you examine the way of how it built, you will see it's true merit!
Yssl (Yujean Kang, Tangram Audio), these forums are not for unsolicited promotion of product lines one distributes or sells. Sorry to play net cop and nothing personal, but someone would say something eventually...usually done by Audiofeil, the resident watchdog here.