Legacy Audio "V" Statement/Flagship Speaker...

Wondering if anyone heard them at RMAF 2014 and could share some listening impressions. The photos that are starting to pop up certainly make a profound statement as to how beautiful they are....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I also wonder about the build quality considering it's 50k. I personally don't like the looks that much particularly the sides and the back. I think it has so much going on in the front with the 7/8 drivers that having a simple side and back would look much better.
Sorry but I don't feel they were the BEST sounding at the show, to me actually forgettable. I visited numerous times during my three day visit, walking out with the same thoughts.
Dev,...thanks for letting me know. I have not heard them an am looking for a chance to do so. What did you wind up liking of all you heard at the show?

In the same room I actually preferred your speaker model, found it to be musical.

Honestly no system at the show impressed me to the point of opening up my wallet, what was the most interesting was the CANJAM area. I did pick-up some cables for my Shure SE846's and Sennheiser HD800's , also purchased a new can - I have a AK240 for portable usage and does a fine job.

Was my first visit and most likely my last, most fun was after the show day ended and meeting up with others, making new friends, eating, telling stories and laughing - that was a blast.

I have a local show to go to, end of the month called Taves http://taveshow.com/brands-shown/ Still small in comparison, many years ago they use to have great shows and then it just died "wasn't called TAVES" Last few years some have got together trying to make it a go - has been held at the King Edward Hotel, was okay but nothing special. New place this year is larger and looking at the show site - venders and product should be interesting.

Shows that peak my interest are the CES and Munich, Munich at the top of the list.
Thanks for the feedback...I find the AERIS to be incredibly so in that regard with large degrees of presence and realism to boot. Overall, one hell of a speaker that I can spend many years enjoying. I've only been able to do 1 audio show of any note over the years, that being AXPONA back in 2011; there were a couple of rooms that sounded good enough to prompt a desire for a more detailed listen but what I found in many cases, particularly with some big expensive names is that I took away the impression that I did not hear what all the fuss was about either because the rooms were not good, the synergy of the equipment in the room was not quite right or in some cases with speakers, they were simply too hard on the ears for extended listening even though they were technically a great 'audiophile' grade speaker....I agree the best part of the shows was meeting the good people, both vendor and audio zealot alike and having great conversations, sharing meals and stories, etc....I've alos heard Munich is 'the' show if ever a chance presents itself to attend. CES does not make it too my list though; too many people and too diffuse a purpose for my tastes....Thanks again!