I am seeking advice / recommendations for a USB Dac to connect a Mac Mini to an Emm Labs DCC2.

The basic system is Emm Labs DCC2 SE & CDSD SE, ATC 50 ACM Actives, Vertex AQ Taga mains filtration, Mac Mini & WD Hard Drives.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated, I have looked at Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Turbo 2 & Benchmark Dac 1 USB but am not able to audition.
You appear to afford a Wavelength,also something from Empirical as you mention.Don't forget Bel Canto,I can recommend it,good luck,Bob
I did the Bel Canto Dac3 from a pc music server. Liked it a lot. It is also well reviewed.. slightly better reviews than the Benchmark (check the stereophile review)

I used the dac in a Krell and Wilson system.

Buy used and just resell the one you don't like.. won't cost you much to try.

happy listening :-)
I don't understand your ? since you have a dac in your pre.

You can buy a toslink cable that will connect the mini to the EMM. An 1/8 inch toslink to standard tosink. I use one to connect my mac to my dac.

On most of the Macs the headphone and mic jacks are combo jacks that make them toslink in and out

Hope that helps. Louis