Avalon Opus Ceramique

I’m using Electrocompaniet AW-180 Mono-block power-amp for my Avalon Ascendant II speaker,my amp give enough power to my speaker and I like the result. Just want to know if my amp can also handle Avalon Opus Ceramique very well? Does Opus Ceramique are difficult to drive?
I think the Opus Ceramique sensitivity should be very similar to the Ascendant II. Probalby rangning from 87-89 dB. The results of your current dynamics and SPL should be similar. The Opus Ceramique will be more refined however and you should get increased holography and better soundstaging. Believe it or not, however, the Ceramique version of the Opus may be a little bass-shy. Maybe more bass-shy than the Ascendant.
Hello Mm622.

You won't have any problems driving the Opus with your amp. I've heard the regular Opus numerous times driven to nice listening levels by the Tenor OTL. The ceramic version of Opus is reported to be tighter, quicker, & more accurate in the bass vs. the regular ported Opus. It's a great speaker! Hope it works out for you.
I know your amp, it is a very musical amp. I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. We also had this speaker in our shop. It is no problem with your amp to be driven. i even think it is a good match. Because they work better with musical amps.

The bass unit is very fast. But...you need to be careful. We blew it up several times. Even with heavy amps.