Isolating CDP from weak wood floor

My CDP skips (alot) when my 25lb son dances on the wood floor in front of it (weak joists). I have a solid Manna rack and use MIB bearings under the CDP, but there is really no up/down isolation. I've also tried nothing, bubble wrap and some thick rubber/cork feet--no dice. I just looked at some Solid-Tech discs of silence, which seem like they might work- Before I shell out the $$, I thought I'd see if anyone else has faced this problem. Thanks. D
This may seem like overkill, but, Pedrillo has an amazing turntable and hangs equipment from the ceiling with bungee cords to isolate it

Here is the turntable:
Eldartford said:
"Skipping CD players is something I just can't understand. Mine don't. Even the ones in my cars when I go over the world class pot holes we have in western Mass."

Eldartford, the player reads ahead on the disc and stores 30 seconds (or more) worth of sound (which is nothing more than digital computer data) in a little, built-in memory buffer and play's the sound from that memory buffer.

When the CD player takes enough of a jolt to interrupt the laser's ability to read the data from the CD, the buffer empties until the laser picks up again and refills the buffer.