CD players with volume control for $1.5-2k used

Would appreciate suggestions for the above, with personal commentary for any you have owned. Amp is Halcro MC20 - speakers Newform Research. Tx
Raysonic 128 + mods / Granite Audio - hard to find / Consonance Droplet or cheaper alternative Consonance Ref. 2.2 MK II.

Raysonic is good for the money - however, stock version was never appealing to me (hights and overall presentation, not to my taste). Hearing the modded unit that belong to fellow audiophile changed this cdp to very capable performer.

Granite Audio (just like Carry which is not bad but pricey)
offers the choice of tube or SS output to suit taste and recordings. Very hard to find used though.

Consonanse are both nice, a bit warmer, good detail and solid bass. MK II will give you 90% of Droplet.

Another option worth trying, might be the use of the RCA atenuators with 10 < 16db gain for your future cdp with volume control.
Works very nice with earlier Wadia recommendation.
Does wonders with cdp feeding the amp directly.
I just got the Accuphase DP57 for 1900 on Audiogon in almost new condition. It has a volume control so you can bypass the preamp. Sound is excellent for the money. I wish it had SACD too, but for redbook cd it is awesome. It also has TOS and Coax digital ins so you can use the DAC. That was a huge benefit for me. The build quality is amazing. For the money it is a steal in my book.
Njoe Tjoeb, below the price range but with volume control & a good player that is a bit configurable to taste (tube & chip options, etc.).
You could get a used Rega Saturn in that price range, or a new Apollo for even less.