New EMM Labs DAC 2 or Accustic Arts Ref Tube DAC

Thoughts on buying a the EMM Labs DAC 2 or Accustic Arts Ref Tube DAC. They are priced about the same. The EMM Labs DAC2 is new to the market. I understand the Accustic Arts Tube DAC is being upgraded to SE version.
Hi Hotbird
I have the emmLabs Dac 2 & the emmLabs TSD1 Transport (I am the New Zealand distributor for emmLabs) and it is the best DAC I have heard in my audio systems.
I have not compared to the AA DAC you mention sorry, but do we need valves in the the DAC stage, in my opinion no we do not after expeienceing both Valve DAC`s and the emmLabs DAC 2
Jason, good stuff.

I think that we should seek the highest quality circuit design, whether its tube or SS. Making tubes a litmus test is silly, IMHO. I wouldn't disqualify a circuit just because it has a tube in it, but it would make me suspicious of the designer's true motives. (Is he covering up or opening up?)

Hi Jason, glad to know that you distribute EMM Labs in NZ. I was just checking who carries Accustic Arts in NZ, and found that that there are currently no takers for Oceania at
So maybe you can consider taking up Accustic Arts as a new line as they do make other good electronics like pre/power amps too.
I am just a happy customer and not a spokeman or in the audio trade, just happened to be swayed by Teajay's excellent reviews to upgrade to Tube DAC and later their reference transport. If you need more info on whether the designer is hiding or opening up, I suggest you personally email for their personal views.