Which inexpensive cd recorder to go for?

After considering for a long while the korg mr1000 and alesis masterlink 9600 as a recorder to transfer my vinyl to, I finally decided to just go with a stand alone cd recorder.
I gave up on using a pc too, too much tech stuff to learn. The korg and alesis too pricey for now.
Which cd reorder brands are reliable?
I plan on going with used off of ebay.
Just for the sake of accuracy here, uh, perhaps a Sony DVD burner isn't the way to go afterall... my DRU 840A quit burning. Still reads, but burning ain't happening no mo'.

I took it back and got a LG multi format DVD drive... no BR, but it does all else.

The install was real easy. XP Pro saw it right off. It's installed as a slave.

I've got to say I'm very impressed with the playback via JR Media Center too... even with iTunes it sounds far better than the DRU 840A. It writes quicker as well with a better end product.

Using EAC's 'accuraterip.com' database list of CDs, it configured the drive and rips have been 10 out of 10 everytime. No errors.

The really cool part is within the installed software, there is a utility which searches out the latest firmware updates for the drive as well. Now, that's a real plus!

I know this is a right out of the box note, but I've had lots of drives and they all pale in comparison to this one sonically. Even better than the vaunted DRU 510!

Technology is a wonderful thing. Sometimes.
Thanks again, it's members like you that make this the best website for audio.

you're welcome.

Further discovery of the ins & outs of EAC show a need for a 'read' AND 'write' offset figure to be added to the software for complete accuracy.

Searching right here on the 'gone, will provide links to just what is needed to be done. I ran across it while searching out settings for FLAC, which I intend to use now, over Apple Lossless going forward.


iTunes on my various PCs has always acted funky. Always. Skippnig while playing back CDs or tracks, and being herky jerky at times while navigating with the mouse. I'm tired of it.

Given J River MC does no such thing, and sounds way better and is more flexible, AND plays all the AAC files, protected and lossless, I'll endure the learning curve needed.

Anyone wanting the links for EAC configurations, & so forth have but to ask.