Speaker Choice ?

My family room size is (18feet width) (22feet length )
(20feet tall)speakers will face length measurement.
speaker price looking used around 5000.00 whats my best choice. What tube amp with your speaker choice.
I agree with Brauser, Dunlavys (Vs or even IVs) would sound nice in that room. You would need a pretty strong tube amp to drive them (ARC, VAC, VTL), but I have always felt that Dunlavys sound best with tubed amplification. All this depends on your musical priorities, of course, but the nice thing about Dunlavy speakers is that, while perhaps not the most transparent of speakers, they really do everything very well.
I had dunlavy sc III's in a room a little smaller than that and I agree 100 percent that dunlavy 4,5, or 6's should work extremely well in your room.
I ran tube amps with mine as well; audiovalve challenger 180 monoblocks and the sound was stunning; my only complaint was the bass could have been better but I always thought that was related to the sc III's having only 8 inch drivers; the 4,5,or 6's have larger woofers and should pressurize the room even better. Dunlavy's are still a tough speaker to beat with even todays makes.
Also now and then Duntech speakers show up in the used market and should be considered as well; I know they are similar to dunlavy but I do not know how the link is established.
03-05-15: Zimwig
Reference 3a Grand Veena (used) VAC 160i.

That's the exact combo that I'm rolling with, sounds great!!