Bogdan Audio speakers

I am in the research stage for a future speaker purchase and recently became aware of a speaker builder and his company called Bogdan Audio. Wonder if there are any Bogdan owners out there that can share their experience. Also helpful to get any impressions from those who have heard them at past audio shows.
You may want to look at a few other custom speaker companies as well. Vapor Audio, Salk Audio, Selah Audio.
Toddnkaya offers good options for companies that will do custom builds. A couple of others that will do custom work and offer good sound are Tyler Acoustics and Soundfield Audio.
I have only heard them at shows, but Bogdan impressed when I have heard them in those settings.
I just bought a pair of Bogdan Mini Monitors last night. They were a one off speaker. I absolutely love them. Built like tanks and sound incredible. I was worried about resale value but not anymore. I won't be reselling them, unless someone wants to offer me three times what I paid.
Contact Ryan at vapor sound..he has speakers that cost 6k that are 10k anywhere else. He puts alot of money into top end parts.