Upgrading the Cary 308T CD player

I decided to audition a CD player within $5000 which is clearly superior than my Cary 308T CD player, and borrowed a new Blue Note (named Blacknote CDP-300) player. The initial impression was very good - a very clear midrange, good dynamics, etc. I even tried to open the lid in order to replace the stock 6922 tubes with vintage tubes, but could not find proper tools for removing the lid.
Yesterday I noticed that the Blacknote player has a strange way of representing baroque and jazz music - the highs are muffled and it lacks articulation and consistency, as if the music is covered with a veil. Back to the Cary - the sound became rounder with crisper highs and firmer bass, though the midrange was muddier (the powercord was VH Audio AirSine). It is very strange, and I am going to investinate it futher.

What player within the $5000 range could you suggest as an upgrade for Cary 308T?

I will appreciate all opinions and comments.
I owned the 308T and I thought it was a definite overachiever for the price. Oddly enough, I also used mine with the Airsine. Anyway, I upgraded to a Resolution Audio Opus 21, with GNSC mods. Where the strengths of the Cary were the bass slam and dynamics, I also felt it could be a bit edgy in the trebles or at higher volumes. Muddiness was never an issue for me. The Opus presents music in a different way. It's much more natural sounding top to bottom, but perhaps lacks some of the bass slam of the Cary. For my listening tastes; however, the Opus wins hands down. On the other hand, if you like the fundamental sound of the Cary, I would suggest looking at the 306 SACD, which is highly regarded in the $5k price range and I'm confident would be a clear step up from the 308T.
Indirectly, I went from the 308T to the Naim CDX2, which then lead to the addition of the Naim XPSII power supply to the CDX2. Which is where I reside in contentment now.

The Naim is almost the most contrary CDP to the 308T. I liked the 308T but found the Naim to have so much more LIFE to it and within it...

So, if you are really looking for a change, check out Naim. If you are looking to refine and "upgrade" the 308T sound, I don't think I can offer much help....

Have fun with the search!

Thanks, John