Should a dac run hot??

Hello all

I just wanted to know should a dac feel warm or hot to the touch? Is this normal for a dac? please help me to understand. It is a Wadia 27 I have emailed Wadia but no response
Cerrot - Red light and hot - yes it is puzzling. Internaly AKM chip detects non-pcm stream and turns off processing. It should get cooler if anything - strange. I will check Benchmark's forum - maybe there is an explanation for that.
Consttraveler, 1 MINOR correction....
Agreed....warm yes / hot no.
BUT While it IS true that 'The amount of heat generated is directly related to the electrical efficiency of the device.;
it is ALSO true that the gross power input is also a factor.
Something drawing 100 watts at 90% efficiency will run cooler.. (actually, generate LESS heat) than another device drawing say.....25 watts and only 20% efficiency.
You can have a very inefficient device...a Class 'A' amp, for example, drawing a fair amount of idle current, which is all heat, but the temperature is fairly low due to huge heatsink mass. You may be able to heat a room with it, but you'll perceive it as 'warm'. Cut the heatsinks by half and it'll cook, while generating the same amount of heat.


You are correct. I was trying to keep it simple but should have written "all things being equal."

100 amp tube amplifier = Hot
100 amp Class A = less Hot
100 amp Digital = almost always the coolest.

Hello all and thanks for all for helping me with my question. I do have another question now. if the transformer is going bad or is bad what will this do? will it harm anything in my system? how bad is it? please let me know
Thanks again
Harnellt - I assume you talking about power transformer. Typical failure is caused by overheating and in effect destroying enamel on the wire causing shorted turn. Shorted turn heats up and wire melts interupting current flow. Why you suspect transformer?