Mark Levinson No.512 CD Player---Opinions

Wow!! I just listened to the new Mark Levinson 512 CD player against the usual known suspects of Eoteric, EMM, dCS, and alike and I am convinced that Mark Levinson is back. I was able to spend ample time with the local dealer in Southern California in comparing the unit and we both agreed it was sensational. FYI, it is $15k but it is well worth it. Complete tonal balance and dynamic as anything I have heard for the price. I would be eager to hear others' opinion about this player.

Once again I find myself fully agreeing with you - a Lavry DA10 or Benchmark Dac1 can turn most any transport into a player equalling most 3K good quality designs (so can an excellent DSP for that matter). After this I suspect it is as much about taste and preference as to further subtle differences (tube etc.).

I have no doubt the 512 CD is absolutely awesome (I haven't heard it) - perhaps it may have just just the spot with Pkancel - the "synergy" thing. I'd be interested though to hear if other folks think the Meitner and Esoteric etc. have been dethroned, however, I think it takes a track record to determine this. If it has been around five years and people still love it then it gets added to my hypothetical list (as I very rarely splurge).
Hi Pkancel, what does it look like (the 512)? I have seen some pictures of demo's without a top, and the styling appeared to be not so elegant as in 'the old days' (390s, 380s). I have not seen pictures of the production unit yet, not even on the levinson website.
Furthermore, what were the other components auditioned by you?
Tecnically, I think it's very strong with the Teac transport - but I wonder which DAC concept is used.
I was very unimpressed by the 512 in comparison to the Burmester 001 in a demo earlier this week but I'll be back next week to demo them again against a unit I know well, the X-01 Ltd, this time in a proper environment. I really like the styling of the 512, it's just one hunk of machine, clean straight lines. As to past models, I never really thought much of the performance of the 390S.
Bar81, what material (CD / SACD)? If you don't like the 390s I think it's obvious you won't like the 512.