CD player to go with Simaudio I-7 integrated amp

This may have been discussed earlier but I have recently acquired a Simaudio I-7 integrated amp. Now I am in the search of a decent CD player which has balanced outputs. Of course the dealer where I purchased my amp at wanted me to go with the Supernova but I have to watch my budget after spending some serious $$$'s on the I-7. The speakers in my 2-ch setup currently are Dynaudio 72SE but I will be upgrading them in the future. My plans are to stay within the Dyn line as I love the sound coming out of their product. Since we are talking budgets, how about anything less than $2.5K which mates well with the mentioned Sim? Can anyone provide any advice on a CD player which will help me maintain my sanity?
Thank you all for your responses. It is appreciated. I will try to get a look at most of the units being mentioned. The SuperNova was at the top of the list for its synergy with the I-7. I was fortunate to get a demo of that setup with the speakers I currently have and the audition to me was amazing. It is just that $6K is a whole lot of change at this point for the Nova. There has not been too much mention of Bryston's BCD-1. I wonder why? I guess maybe because it is fairly new.
Search BCD-1 for a previous thread with my comments on this unit. Also I strongly recommend visiting AudioCircle Bryston owners for several threads with extensive commentary on the sound of this CDP.
Thank you Twoleftears. Actually I was reading the comments on AudioCircle prior to receiving your response :) I also sent in an email to James Tanner at Bryston and he wants me to audition the player.
I had the I-7 with a Meridian G08 and loved it until I heard the Primare CD31. It blew me away! Stereophile got one right with this class "A" player. I'm now using it with the matching integrated the I-30. I don't miss the I-7. I bought both Primares new for what I got used for the I-7. I'm using a GamuT DI-150 right now and I'm loving it! I have my friends 150 and I also had it when I had the Meridian and the Primare just sounds so much better in all the audiophile "lingo" ways. Keep the I-7 and try the Primare and save money.
I previously was running a Meridian 506.24, and am now running an Ayre CX-7e, into my I5.

IMHO, the CX-7e is a far better match with the Sim. I can't imagine anybody who likes the Sim sound not liking the Ayre sound and vice versa - they have similar design philosophies and, in the end, similar sound characteristics. I just found that the Ayre was a better value than what Sim offers in that price class, which is the opposite of what I found when shopping for a used integrated amp.

To clarify though...Ayre is a bit more "airy" in the top end, and Sim does focus a bit more on a silky midrange. That's from my experience. Somewhat different, but similar enough that if you like one you're likely to enjoy the other as well.