Hello, i recently acquired 2 pairs of these speakers and they are 16 ohm.
My question is, if i run these with one power amp (Krell Ksa-80)and run two pairs of speaker cables (2 for left/2 for right) would this bring the ohms down to 8 ohm?
Also do i need to run the second set of speaker cables directly back from the amp to speaker or can i jump a short pair of cables from speaker to speaker?
My plan is too run all 4 speakers with one amp for now as i just want to hear how they sound.
First though i need to make up some power cords as they did not come with any!
Thanks in Advance!
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This is about the speakers and not the amp.
The amp is fine and has been recapped for those that are concerned about it.........
All i want to do is get these up and running and if i really really prefer them over my current speakers i'll keep them and if not they will be up for sale.
So i'm not going out and buying tube amps just so i can try out a set of speakers i may not be holding onto.
My suggestion above also concerned the relationship between the speakers and the amp; electrostats have some pretty extreme impedance dips (at least the older Quads did) and present a difficult load for some amps. So, apart from the fact that the KLH9 would probably sound better with the right tube amp, I would just make sure that your Krell can deal with the load the speaker presents.
Good luck.
KLH 9s were one of the first speakers we played with our amps. One of the earlier and better high end ESL attempts. Tube amps can play them really well- a Citation 2 was a great vintage amp on those speakers.