Headphones for Hearing Aids

Hi, I wear behind the ear hearing devices and have been having challenges with my Senns 650s. I enjoy the sound, as well as the senns 600s. My problem is that they clamp so tight I'm getting a high amount of feedback and the aids themselves constantly adjusting to accommodate the sounds. How are you in similar circumstances dealing with similar issues? I had read in another thread about akg h701/2 that don't clamp against the ear seem to work well. Would like to continue with the Senns and looking for possible solutions, or alternative phones with a somewhat similar sound signature, $400 max. Also do on the ear phones have the same issues?Changing the hearing devices are not a possibility. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dave
Have you considered taking out the hearing aids for listening? You might need a balance control but it may work well. I know my Dad uses TV Ears for television and takes out his hearing aids. This works best.
The other thing with TV ears is that they are mono which gets rid of many imbalances. You could try almost any phones in mono?
Although I've tried them, I'm not a current user of hearing aids partly because my ear canals don't tolerate them and, more simply, because I don't like wearing them. Because of age related hearing issues, though, I've recently been experimenting with the use of a very good equalizer to accommodate these losses which occur starting at about 1000Hz. It has worked very well for me especially because it allows discreet adjustment of right and left channels independent of one another and I used my most recent audiogram to make base adjustments in the output slope.

If allowing you to listen without your aids could work for you, it would at least resolve the ringing issue. Of course it kind of turns your listening area into giant hearing aids and one would expect it to sound unnatural to others but this has not been an issue for us.

Anyway, not knowing the details of your hearing losses, this may not in any way be a viable course of action but I just thought I'd throw it out there in case it might.
What I said about the giant hearing aids would apply only to using the EQ while listening w/o hearing aids to your speakers. In what I understand your situation to be, though, my suggestion is that you consider trying connection of your headphones directly to the EQ. I've tried that also and it works for me.
Hi, thank you all for your responses, they were very thought provoking. The headphones are for use on the main level so I don't disturb the family watching the boob-tube. Thankfully I don't mind wearing them, do iritate the inner ear at times but I find if I use a dab of canal oil they're ok. The main system is in the basement. For the main system the horns work fine, I turn them low and adjust the preamp volume normally with no issues. My hearing lose is such that without the horns I get beautiful low and mid bass with a little touch of higher freqs. I was also reading a couple of articles about using equalizers adjusted for the lost freqs. And I'm glad to hear that that approach has been successful. So I am wondering if placing one between the DAC and the head amp could preclude my use of
the horns with the Senns. What type of equalizer could you gents recommend? Again, To all of you, I appreciate your advice. Dave

Broadstone, thanks for your follow up, I posted before I read it. What type of equalizer are you using? Again, thanks. Dave