DAC? Does it make a big difference?

I just purchased a Linn Mimik II CD player and it sounds great. I hope someone can help. If I purchase a Linn Numerik DAC will it make the music sound that much better and if yes, how far up the Linn chain would it make the Mimik II compared to a better Linn without the DAC? Thanks to all! DAC for about $650.00
I previously owned a Mimik II, and had a Numerik and Ikemi in that same system. The Mimik is nearly up to the Numerik, I wouldn't call it a big improvement. The Ikemi is a worthwhile improvement, nice increase in resolution while retaining the musicality of the Mimik.
If you don't have any luck with Mimik II try MSB Tech
Their top of the line was rated no. two in the world.
The lower models do very well for the price
http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/srch_fs.pl In their Platium series they use their on digital clock everyone else has to adapt the DAC to a Burr-Brown
The Dac is the most important component in your system
it converts the digital signal the analog and simply
the faster the convertion the better the sound
"Their top of the line was rated no. two in the world."

Where were the dacs rated? I would be interested in reading the comparisons as I am looking at msb as a future upgrade