DeVore Orangutan 96 an upgrade over DeVore 9?

Has anyone made this change? I've had the 9s for 4 years with a Shindo amp/preamp and also a Prima Luna integrated and love these speakers. What would I gain with the Orangutan?
Ladok, Audio Note AN-E. You can see them in my system pg. I hope some other members might jump in here to dispute my findings. I have actually been very hesitant to publish my findings since most reviewers rave about of luck with your search.
I own O 96's and Shindo amps (Monbrison and Haut Brion) and would definitely say they groove. Wonderful combination with shindo. The bass can be tuned with positioning but its different to the bass on the gibbons. The bass isn't tight yet I wouldn't call it loose. Its weighty and has character and color to it. I love the bass on them.
Voxshall, If you are motivated to tap you foot and your body is swaying to the beat then the O/96 have a musical pacing, it not they don't. Sounds like you have been able to dial them in - congratulations and enjoy! Regards Jet
Well, I very definitely want to "feel the groove." The Gibbon 9s do this very nicely. I've got plenty of room from the side walls to "dial in" the bass. I would not want to give up boogie factor to get bigger scale and deeper bass, or the sense that the music is independent of the physical speaker box. Actually, I'd like it all, including reasonable sensitivity/high impedence (tube friendly).
That sounds like a nice analogy. But I can tap my foot to a transistor radio if I dig the music.

Just sayin.......
