Benchmark DAC1 Pre vs. Bel Canto DAC3

Anyone compare these two DAC's? They both have volume adjustment and USB inputs and I was wondering how they compared sound-wise. The used Bel Canto seems to presently cost the same as a new DAC1 Pre. Thanks in advance.
I went through the exercise of comparing these two and others recently. I think you'll find a lot of useful information discussing these two particular DACs if you search existing threads.
Benchmark DAC1 tends to be precise - I believe the DAC1 pre is much teh same but I have not heard it. Benchmark claim that because of precise phase accuracy of their pro design you get a narrower and tight image that gravitates more to being between the speakers relative to other DAC's (which sound more open with broader and sometimes bigger than life soundstage). You also tend to more aware that the singer is singing into a microphone on vocals. Anoteh rdifference is a tendency to hear less thickness in the lower midrange - it comes across very clear leaning towards a "horn" type sound. All of this is described on line by countless listeners. Benchmark claim these effects are all due to superior accuracy and preicsion. You must judge yourself.

Many audiophiles prefer something a bit more laid back with less precision in order to be less aware that you are listening to a recording (warts and all).

I like the DAC1 but it fits well with my listening preferences. I am very much interested in the music and individual instruments - I have no worries that it sometimes sounds like a recording (which, after all it is)
BTW I think you've latched on to two very excellent choices depending on which way your musical tastes take you.

I would add only that I think the Benchmark is a very unique device for home audio use at its price point. I'm of the mindset that I still might well give one a try someday.