Hum and hiss with Rives Parc

I have recently installed a Rives Parc into my system. It has introduced an annoying hum and an audible hiss. I have isolated the earth temporarily and eliminated the possibility of a groung loop. I have tried a different power cord (Eichmann Express) to no avail. Has anybody else had a similar issue with these units? If so any help would be appreciated. I am using a Chang Lightspeed power conditioner.
??? The PARC was one of the most dead silent components I've ever used. Have you tried bypassing the power conditioner and just plugging it into the wall?
Yeah - tried that. No better. Tried a different power cord - no better. I'll put it into a friends system and see if it is still the same. Might be a faulty unit which could be a problem because I am in New Zealand and purchased it from a dealer in Singapore. Any other suggestions much appreciated.