Useful tweaks for Oppo 980/DTC 9.8 for MC-SACD

I have recently upgraded to the Integra DTC 9.8 and Oppo 980H primarily to enjoy MCH SACD. My two channel SACD is a VSE Mod 4 Sony 9000 that runs through the 2-channel portion of my system. The new Oppo/9.8 sound very good indeed. In direct comparison playing 2 channel SACD versus the VSE Mod 4 it is not quite as musical (Depth, high end extension/linearity, dimensionality).
I was wondering if anyone has tried any tweaks to their Oppo or DTC 9.8 that have been musically significant such as chassis damping, isolation, power cords. It is a great price performance combo. I am just looking to maximize the potential performance. Thanks in advance for your input.
Are you running the 980H via HDMI? If so, I doubt there are any useful tweaks. If not, you should.

If you're looking at Oppo mods you might want to check out Ric's been modding these things for quite a while and is a pretty straight shooter. If you get to speak with him I'm sure you'll come away a little wiser. Best of luck.
The 980 does benefit from a better power cord, naturally. How better? Depends on the cord being used.
Different footers too will help. Also placing some weight (not a lot) on top will help out too.
of course so will a good stand or rack to put it on.
An outboard DAC is (depending on the DAC) gonna really change things... and for the better too.
I use mine primarily for DVD via HDMI, and 2 ch red book, via a Stereovox XV2 digital link into a BC DAC3.

As to modding it.... Why?

I believe thoughts on modding a player IMO might be better suited to another step or so up the line, or one with a better transport.

With a DAC which de-jitterizes the signal well, it'll come down to how much denairo ya got, and how picky are your ears. Running both a SCD xa 777es, and the 980 into the DAC 3, the sonic diffs were quite minimal.

If a one box deal, and multi ch are your preff, go for it. I would consider the 983 as well, though.