How do YOU organize your iTunes library?

My buddy just outgrew his iMac's hard drive so he bought a really nice Lacie external drive and asked me to come over and migrate iTunes, etc.

I literally laughed when I started poking around his music. He wasn't using a single playlist for about 100GB of music. I just always taken it as a given that people with large libraries(and especially "album listeners" like I'm sure most of us are) create a playlist that is the name of the artist and album i.e. Television-Marquee Moon.

He says he just uses cover-flow to navigate through everything. Watching him take like 45 seconds to find a specific album using that method I just had to show him the light.

After a little tutorial he told me that this was like a revelation and he never even thought about doing this where as I never thought about doing it any other way. He freaked out at first because we started making a few hundred playlists but I think I have him on the right track. I mean...pick an album from the playlists listed and listen...right?

Does this make sense? Do ya'll not do this? What do YOU do?
I agree that cover flow only makes sense for very small collections, but playlists for each album?

If you have the browser turned on (main menu bar - View - Show browser) it is already done for you. Also choose "as list" from the View menu. It is now arranged by artist and album.

Right click in the header bar above the song list and select what you want to see. I suggest name of song, track number, artist, album, and any others you want. You can drag the headers left or right to put them in the order you want. Then left click the album header. As you do it will cycle through album, album by year, and album by artist. I find album by artist to be the most useful.

I have 687 gb of music. I use a Mac Mini and access the files remotely with the Front Row interface. I sort the library by “Genres” in 24 categories such as: Classical, Bluegrass, Rock, Electronic. I use the "Play List" much like Thomasedison above.

I am sure there are easier ways to sort the files but that's what works for me.
I'm at about 2,000CDs

I'm with VegasE and ThomasE - making all those playlists is like reinventing what's already there - plus then you still have to find the dosh gone playlist...

One wrinkle I have added is I use grouping to create another kind of category - instruments. So if I type Jazz sax I will get everything that features a sax player (so I would use this for a Ben Webster album)

I have also created a couple of new genres - especially Alt Country which has all the EmmyLou but also the Byrds and Gram Parsons etc

Having made an initial sort, I can either alpha the artist or album and pick one; or create a playlist for my iPod and Airport, or just hit shuffle and play that feel until I want something else.

BTW my Playlists are pretty much "feels" or "grooves" -"All Over Blues", "Island Music", "Morning Music", "Duke and Frenz", "Taj and KebMo". I guess you could say I am creating radio stations...

There is some fun mix software out there, plus of course the Apple Genius feature but I find that my library is too big and tends to crash them. I've had the best luck with MusicIP mixer.

Pandora is also a pretty fun way to play with some new music.
I see all your points but I still think playlists for each individual album work best for me. There is a macro that creates a playlist from a selection. It even names it in the artist - album format automatically...SHIFT, COMMAND & N. You don't have to type any artist/album info.

Search doesn't always work for me because how does that filter out a group's self-titled album? By typing in "Boston" it will bring up all of their albums not just "Boston - Boston". Plus what if I can't remember exactly how to spell something or I don't remember an album title. I have over 7,000 cds.

Using the browser doesn't work for me either because once I find the album I want to listen to the artwork won't be there. With playlists the artwork will automatically be there.

As far as finding the album in my playlists it takes no time at all. Either start typing the name and it will automatically jump to that playlist(did anyone even know you can do that?) or just drag the bar. It isn't hard...they are in alphabetical order.

I also create the playlist at the same time as ripping the cd so it really only takes about 5 seconds extra to do.

All the other methods force you to remember which album got tagged with what genre. Is AC/DC under rock or metal?

I guess I'm an outcast.
I use J River. You can create your own fields and index on any combination of fields (standard and user-created) one wants to. Even with 70K files, it's quick to navigate from any angle you choose. It's also easy to set up a playlist on the fly very easily, so I don't do a lot of playlist setup.

I can't imagine any setup that would require 45 seconds to look up a specific album.