How do YOU organize your iTunes library?

My buddy just outgrew his iMac's hard drive so he bought a really nice Lacie external drive and asked me to come over and migrate iTunes, etc.

I literally laughed when I started poking around his music. He wasn't using a single playlist for about 100GB of music. I just always taken it as a given that people with large libraries(and especially "album listeners" like I'm sure most of us are) create a playlist that is the name of the artist and album i.e. Television-Marquee Moon.

He says he just uses cover-flow to navigate through everything. Watching him take like 45 seconds to find a specific album using that method I just had to show him the light.

After a little tutorial he told me that this was like a revelation and he never even thought about doing this where as I never thought about doing it any other way. He freaked out at first because we started making a few hundred playlists but I think I have him on the right track. I mean...pick an album from the playlists listed and listen...right?

Does this make sense? Do ya'll not do this? What do YOU do?
With 450 GB of Lossless music and 4 years with iTunes under my belt I still have only made 3 playlists. Its just not how I listen. Coverflow, to me, is not useful either, especially with a large collection. I generally scroll (two finger drag) through the artists until I see one that I feel like listening to and listen to all or most of an album until I feel like something different. Occasionally, I scroll through the albums instead of artists.

When I know what I want to hear I go right to it via my artist list, it takes mere seconds. That's how I use iTunes.
I'm going to make this the last post as I realize I'm very much in the minority here but the previous methods simply do not work.

"I can do that without playlists by
going to the iTunes search bar, choosing "Artist" in the pull down menu (next to the magnifying glass) and typing those same 3 letters in the iTunes box. "

This doesn't work because the search results will include artists sharing the same attributes. For example I just tried to find the band Japancakes in my library using this method. I had to type all the way to Japanc before I got the correct results because I was also getting music from the bands Casino Versus Japan(which starts with the letter C) and the band Japan in my search results. By typing "jap" in my playlists I am able to view my desired album much quicker and just click on it.

"Once I select an album, I click on 'cover flow' view, and then go to the View menu and select "Full Screen"."

When using this method all the artwork for everything in your search results shows up. I only want to see the album cover for the album that I'm listening to. Sure I can get to a point using search where the album I want to listen to is listed but there will also be other albums listed until I filter it down a bit more. I'd need to filter it down to the exact album anyway because when the last song would finish it would just run on to whatever is sitting behind that track in the search results and I don't want that. I still think it's faster using my method. When I initially create my playlist I choose Cover Flow right then & there so it automatically shows the artwork when clicking on any playlist.

"When I want to view my playlists, I don't have 300-3000 playlists of albums to sort through, only a few dozen unique playlists that are themes or smart playlists."

There's a simple solution for this. I create playlists like you guys as well. I make Christmas and Halloween mixes. I make compilations of recent faves, etc. The way to organize them is to simply place the numeral "1" before the name of your playlist and they will be kept at the very top of your playlists. They won't get lost in my 3000 playlists.

One last advantage is syncing albums to an iPod. After plugging in your iPod all of your playlists are available to click and add to make adding albums a total breeze. I can whiz through all of my playlists clicking what I want to add then hit apply when I'm done and come back a few minutes later and I'm all done.

I'm off...I got more playlists to create :-)

You're each his own
i only use playlists so i only include enough songs to store on my iphone, touch and ipods. for example, i setup a playlist called "4iphone" and move enough music in it that doesn't exceed 14gb. same goes for the other ipods. i mainly listen to 8 hours a day in random order. when i listen in my dedicated audio room, i use my iphone or touch to remotely control the itunes on my mac and the iphone/touch "remote" interface has a nice interface, search by artist, albums, genre, playlists, or randomize by artist, or whole music library.

I have been playing around with your suggested playlist method of organizing iTunes. I now see some of your logic.

I didn't know about the macro to make a playlist from a selected artist or album and that is very cool.

I appreciate that selecting a playlist of an album is the only way to show that album's artwork by itself on full screen without showing other albums around it (standard cover view).

However, I haven't figured out how you can be taken to a specific playlist by typing in the search bar. With my huge library, that is essential for me to get to what I want quickly.
Within reason there's no right or wrong way to organize playlists. Whatever works or doesn't work for someone really doesn't have any bearing on what works for someone else.

I wish there were more dedicated fields for organizing. For instance, having separate producer, engineer, record label, mastered by, and musician fields would make it much easier to generate smart playlists.