How can you not have multichannel system

I just finished listening to Allman Bros 'Live at the Fillmore East" on SACD, and cannot believe the 2-channel 'Luddites' who have shunned multichannel sound. They probably shun fuel injected engines as well. Oh well, their loss, but Kal has it right.
Tbg, did you have a big grin on your face when you posted that last reply. Because your new best friend, Tvad, called multichannel an example of trickery. I wonder what he would say about your system with all those magical tweaks you spent thousands of dollars on. AVM anti-resonance paint??!! Come on, paint?? And those monorail trusses. Nothing makes a system sound more like a million bucks as does wires in the sky, or is that pie in the sky. Hope that grin is still on your face.
Mig007, when you start a discussion you should expect to receive varying points of view, and some with which you won't agree.

You seem to take any opinion personally that is different than yours, and rather than discuss your perspective with evidence or details that support your position, you lash out with personal attacks.

That's unfortunate, because the purpose of these treads is to share points of view and to discuss/debate the topic.

When the defense of your position falls back onto personal attacks and name calling, it weakens your argument, and it weakens the discussion.
Mig007, you know full-well what Tvad says about my Acoustic Revive, Synergistic Research, AVM, and Murata super tweeters, but here I am in agreement.
Are you two joined at the hip? I don't remember being called any names and I don't remember calling anyone a name other than stating those who don't like mc music are Luddites, but I didn't single out anyone. I would call the use of the word resent strong and almost begging for a reply, especially given the underlying hypocricy of the poster. One goal I set out for when I started this thread was to provoke people who don't like mc music to post their reasons. And I care about mc music, because using other methods to extract surround sound short of remixing is a matter of trickery. To take stereo recordings and put them through dsp is not the same as remixed mc music. And I see the industry basically allowing sacd and dvd audio to die a slow death, leaving a cavernous hole for us audiophiles who believed mc music was the next great advancement for sound quality and experience.
Guess you forgot this snide comment, which basically resorts to name calling.:
01-04-09: Mig007
Mr. Smuck, no, I won't attempt to cook your steak, but nice 'Vegas' effect with your system, or were you trying to imagine what a hi-fi system would look like on the 'Enterprise'.

No one here ever stated that multi channel versions of older recordings were processed stereo mixes. If you came away with that impression, then you misunderstood what was written.

To remix a recording into multi-channel by essentially laying the left and right tracks into the rear left and right channels but a a lower volume is a trick no matter how you describe it. This is what was observed by an owner of the "Blood on the Tracks" multi channel remix. Rather than the word trick, let's use the word technique. Nevertheless, no article on the mixing technique used on "Blood on the Tracks" was ever discovered or read, so we have no definitive answer to what was mixed into the surround channels.

I believe I explained my use of the word trick many posts ago, yet you to choose to hang onto the word rather than learn from what I explained afterward.

No progression in the discussion. That's the take-away here. That and your bitterness at multi channel being left behind to wither.