CD player recommendations under $2K used

Looking for CD player recommendations to compliment a VAC standard, VAC PA80/80, Martin Logan reQuest system. I've read glowing reviews for the Arcam CD 36 and Musical Fidelity A5. Maybe there are others. I'm thinking a neutral sound rather than a strong signature player. Musicality is important. Not dark or carmel colored, and certainly not too analytical. Great soundstage and view into the music. Alive but not too forward. Thanks, Scott

Another option to consider is the Modwright Sony 999ES Platinum version. I would make sure it has the tube rectified power supply though. It makes a huge difference. Theirs one for sale on here for for ~$1500.

Good luck
nothing out there can touch call rep vinny
I have the MF A5 and while I rate it extremely highly, it might not satisfy your preferences. Specifically, whilst it is a very neutral player, it is also quite analytical and I would even suggest a bit forward. For a one box player, I would take a look at the Primare CD31 (I see one is listed on A'gon for under $1300.00). When my brother was auditioning new CD players 12 months ago, this one bested similar priced models from Arcam, Creek, Cambridge and Marantz (and a couple of others I can't remember) and he was looking for the same sound signature you've described.

FWIW, my personal choice would be to get an Audio Note DAC (or perhaps another NOS DAC) and use this with a basic transport. Flexibility for the future in case you move to a computer/server based system, and a tremendously musical experience. You could probably get the Dac 2.1 for under $2k.
Thanks everyone for your comments. They have helped open a window of refining my expectations of what digital could be like in my system. I've poured over many reviews and discussions relating to your suggestions and I can see why your made your recommendations. Just wish I had the opportunity to listen to all. The RA Opus 21 is very intriguing, but not readily available for listening in the northwest. Again thanks.