A new CDP after my Rega Apollo or a new DAC?

After a year plus with my Rega Apollo I'm ready to make a modest upgrade to a CDP in the $1500 to $2000 range. New or used. My system is pretty modest so I'm not sure if this price range will result in a real change. Options that I've considered include the Rega Apollo SE, Raysonic 128, Cayin CD-50T and Cambridge Azur 840. I should be able to audition these players shortly but only one or two in my system.

The rest of my current system consists of a Cayin 100T tube amp and Salk HT-1 monitors. I also have a Boulder modded Duet feeding into a Benchmark DAC. I wonder if my $$ is better spent getting a different DAC as the Benchmark sounds a little harsh to my ears after awhile. There are too many options in this price range and my head starts to hurt trying to figure out what might be right.Van alstine? TADAC? Music Hall?

Ultimately it seems like I might have to buy used gear to see if I like it and sell it off if I don't.

Although I listen mostly to jazz I don't want an overly warm or romantic sound. Suggestions?
Changing equipment is part of the fun.

You appear to have a pretty good list although I'm dubious of the Cambridge Azure 840 improving upon the Apollo.

Of all of the players on your list, the Raysonic 128 will provide the biggest difference in sound, IMO.

Well I've been running a Raysonic 128 with a Cayin A100T. Up until recently I thought it a big, dynamic, and warm sound but not having as much resolution as I like. A simple change from 4ohm taps to 8 ohm taps on the Cayin was all it took to restore a much higher degree of resolution/speed needed for this unit (and not so much for my other stuff). I would recommend it in your price range, in fact I think it is a steal used. And, FWIW, tube rolling can be very productive and you can change its tone easily thru using different current production tubes as well as NOS. It is not terribly demanding, noise wise.

IMO, you will not improve significantly on the Apollo in that price range, unless you see a Saturn priced that low, which I never have yet. You will have to spend significantly more than that to get a real improvement. IMO, the Apollo bests players I have heard that cost five times it's price.
I will add to the others mentioning the Raysonic cd128 which is one of the players I own. And to add focus to an already very good player, purchase the inexpensive and I'm told, under-appreciated Jan Philps 6922 tubes to go in it. After being recommended by another cd128 owner, these tubes really surprised me and improved the performance of the cd128. This player is a great value at retail price and a steal at the used price.