A new CDP after my Rega Apollo or a new DAC?

After a year plus with my Rega Apollo I'm ready to make a modest upgrade to a CDP in the $1500 to $2000 range. New or used. My system is pretty modest so I'm not sure if this price range will result in a real change. Options that I've considered include the Rega Apollo SE, Raysonic 128, Cayin CD-50T and Cambridge Azur 840. I should be able to audition these players shortly but only one or two in my system.

The rest of my current system consists of a Cayin 100T tube amp and Salk HT-1 monitors. I also have a Boulder modded Duet feeding into a Benchmark DAC. I wonder if my $$ is better spent getting a different DAC as the Benchmark sounds a little harsh to my ears after awhile. There are too many options in this price range and my head starts to hurt trying to figure out what might be right.Van alstine? TADAC? Music Hall?

Ultimately it seems like I might have to buy used gear to see if I like it and sell it off if I don't.

Although I listen mostly to jazz I don't want an overly warm or romantic sound. Suggestions?
A used Bryston BCD1 is in that range and will significantly outperform your Apollo.
Check the reviews and look for used or demo in AudioGon.
Check out Atoll,they have very nice players,and prices are pretty hard to beat right here.
I've owned both the Apollo and the Cambridge 840, but none of the others you mention. I like the Apollo -- very musical for a CD player. But I kept (and still own) the 840. More solidity, more detail (but not etched or bright), more of a "you are there" sense to the midrange, and no annoying "initialization" of a CD.
A used Naim CD5X can be had in that price range.
Much better than the Rega Apollo, IMO.