Audio Research Ref CD8 vs Esoteric X03SE

Looking to take my digital front end up a few notches and am looking at the CD8 and the X03SE. I have an Audio Research Ref3 preamp, Pass Labs X250.5 amp, and Magnepan 20.1 speakers and want a CD player with good bottom end control and extension. Need help deciding.
If you want bottom end control and extension this is a no brainer.....Esoteric.....stop your search.
If you want a deep, wide soundstage and a huge open sound this is a no brainer.....ARC CD-8.....stop your search.
Wow, I don't get the above two posts......The man asked for bottom control and extension, not some off topic banter. Esoteric is known for this while ARC is known for a sometimes flabby bottom end. Is mushy and flabby MUSIC? I don't think so. Answer the question directly, don't provide useless banter b/c you may own the piece. By the way, the X03SE is commonly referred to as one of the most MUSICAL cd players out there...sounds like you two jokers are insinuating the X03 is not musical or does not cast a large soundstage. Dead wrong.