Moving from Esoteric P03/D03 to P03/D01 Combo

I'm interested in anyone's feedback who has moved to or has heard the P-03 or P-03U transport with both D-03 and D-01 DACs. I am contemplating selling the D-03 and moving to a pair of D-01s as I have heard from Esoteric that Redbook is better still and SACD playback is nothing short of gorgeous with the D-01s in the circuit. I am already extremely happy with the P03U/D03 combination however, the 'itch' has struck and I have an opportunity to upgrade.

I'd appreciate any feedback or advice on this; the difference has to be non-subtle and extremely noticeable musically for this jump to be worth it to me. If you look at my system as posted and can suggest that a better pre-amp (already happy with the CP-700 Classe 2-box) such as the Esoteric C-03 or Edge 1.1. Signature, or any other system upgrade/change is a more worthwhile upgrade, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I currently use the D03 with the G25 clock/upconverter. I use the Apple TV as a source as I have all my CD's on my computer. From my experience so far, music off a hard drive sounds as good or better than the best transports. The Apple TV does benefit from placement on a maple platform with vibration control and from upgrading the power cord.

I think the clock makes a huge difference. If I were you I would upgrade to the G-Orb rubidium clock and the D-01 dac and use a hard drive based system as a source. The Apple TV is as good as any and it has Itunes as a built in excellent music server.

Sorry just looked at your system and I see you have the G-Orb already! I still think you should check out Apple Tv as a source.
1350 = Thanks for your feedback. I will check out the Apple Tv product for a system that I'm thinking of putting in the rest of the house for the family. Thanks!