What's the best Sony CD/SACD player?

Hi all, there's been a bunch of talk lately about Sony's latest 5400ES SACD player. I have a 9100ES DVD player I use for both video and audio. What are peoples' opinions on the best new or used Sony for CD/SACD sources?

Specifically, what about the new 5400ES, the XA-9000ES, the 777ES, vs my 9100ES? They all seem available for around $1000.00.

What else would people suggest in that price range for 90% RBCD and 10% SACD? The rest of my system is Linn. I'm also thinking about a used Linn Unidisk SC.

There's a problem with describing sound. Adjectives and adverbs do not
necessarily have the same meaning from listener to listener.

For example, to me the term "darker" means less detail, closed-
in. Just the opposite of how you describe the Sony. How would you describe

In any case, unless the image was significantly smaller with the holographic
player, I'd choose the player that produces a three dimensional hologram
of sound in almost every case, even if it meant less detail.
True, the choice of adjectives I used probably was confusing. When I say darker, sometimes I mean tonal balance, and I also use darker to indicate the blacker black background / lower noise floor. For example, when I played Friends of Carlotta on Unidisk I thought the sound was detailed, but sometimes it was "shouty" or somewhat congested. On Sony I thought it was less congested, also there was more of the small ambiance of the recording studio. Could be due to lower noise floor. Could be from better detail extraction. Another reason I used the word darker was to emphasize that Sony is not a bright sounding player. But anyways I should just stick to more objective side of the impression than using colorful adjectives that could be confusing.
So is there any reason to look at older Sony units like the SCD-1 or XA9000ES vs. the new 5400ES? Seems like used XA9000ES players are around $1000.
The Best Sony Players EVER made, are NOT the SACD players,
but we ALL have our own opinions.

I have collected several Sony ES players over the years, and
since MOST of what I listen to are "Redbook" CD's, IMHO,
I have found the XA-7 to produce the BEST sound PERIOD!

The 707ES might be the very BEST EVER MADE. Look inside one,
and then look inside whatever player You have;This Sony, they
cut NO corners at ALL.

Throw the wood panels on the sides of the XA-7 and it is
instantly about 40 pounds!

The XA-5 ES is 2nd in sound I think, but then, I tend to
agree with the Japanese forums that list the order of the
BEST SONY Players from 1 to 50 or so.

9 out of 10 times, the XA-7ES, XA-5ES, players are 1 and 2

The X707ES is sought for the great Transport.

The XA-7 is great as a Transport also, these 2 players
share the 119db. Signal to noise ratio!

Since I implement a Benchmark Dac-1, IMHO,the way I have
my Digital configured, when I A-B SACD sound and the Dac-1,
the Dac-1 sounds Better!

I am trying to set up a comparison of a new 5400ES to my

XA-7ES/Dac-1 combination. I have a 555ES the 5 disc SACD
Class A player, funny, it looks like the 5400ES as far as
the design and the round buttons. They just are not as heavy
and solid as the XA-7ES or the 707ES. I have enjoyed both
for hours at a time, when I go out of town, I leave my Sony
playing on "shuffle" and 1-3 weeks or more at a time, every
time I come home, the Sony is STILL playing!

I know Philips owners, that can't leave their Philips transport for a minute, it skips?

Owning Sony players, this is NEWS to me, as Sony player
play forever, so long as you secure the drawer with the
key supplied players. Sony ES players NEVER Skip.

I have CD's that have holes in them, the Sony plays them
without a problem.

The 707ES had the best Error Protection,IMHO that is.

The SCD-1 is a beauty but they like the 777ES have
issues with them after while they need service.

Find a 707ES for cheap, and add a Dac of quality, and
you are set. The 707 will be playing long after Your
gone. They just play like a Swiss watch.

It is obvious that as time goes by, Sony is gradually
taking a step back in Audio components, as the ES line
is ALL but gone.

The Vintage Knob does not praise these old reliable units
for nothing.

This new stuff, is just NOT made with the same quality as
the Earlier ES Players were.

Love Your Music!