Ayre CX7-E vs Rega Saturn; your thoughts please

Looking to replace old, way old, Sony XA20ES. Already sold a Cambridge Azur 840c (just not my cup of tea).

Amplification: Krell s-300i
Speakers: Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home (front ported)
Cabling: Audience AU24E all around, except...
Power Cable: Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha for the Krell.

Any, and all input is gladly welcomed.

As always, thanks!
I have heard the CX7-E extensively. It is an extremely fine player sonically though I respect the build quality more. If you have the money to spend you can't find much out there to equal the AYRE, however, I own (2) REGA SATURN players. Previously, I was using a REGA APPOLO with a very fine BEL CANTO CD-3 DAC. After much A/B listening comparisons, the REGA SATURN simply out performed the other combination. The sonic signature of the SATURN is more controlled and balanced over the audio spectrum, with an inherent ease, sweetness, and accuracy of timbre other (1) piece players simply don't have, unless of course you have deep enough pockets to go 3-5 times the money. Even then, I doubt that the the satisfaction factor would be any greater. The only pitfall, and I have only experienced this on a miniscule basis, is an occasional "lock up" on certain discs, not allowing the operator to back out of the "play mode" instantly. This is also not the fastest responding player, so you have to be very deliberate in your mode execution. Otherwise, within my budget limits, I would never trade either of my SATURNS. I have had the AYON CD-2 to audition at home also. Again, a wonderful player. Built like a tank, but I wasn't really sold on spending %5500.00+ in place of my SATURN. Don't get me wrong, however. There are many things that the AYON does, that excells all other units on the market. Superb piece.
The difference between the CX7-e and the CX7-eMP is quite remarkable. It would be foolish to not look at an MP upgraded player, or plan to get it done for the small charge if you buy an older CX7-e.